Program of the 3rd Annual Meeting is now available

10/31, 2016 in 未分類 by bacoustadmin

Click here for PDF version of the program

Saturday, 10 December 2016
9:00-11:40 Executive Meeting (& Meeting of The Organizing Committee) at “Sunrise” on the 2F
11:40- Starting Registrations (at the lounge on the 1F)
13:00-13:10 Opening Remarks (Junsei Horikawa) at “Orchid” on the 2F
13:10-14:10 Symposium ”Recent advances in Bioacoustics” (Chair Hiroshi Riquimaroux)
○13:10-13:40 Jim Simmons: Isolating target shape imaging from target ranging in biosonar
○13:40-14:10 Darlene Ketten: Of Mice and men, bats and rats: A complex answer to why size does not matter
14:10-14:40 Oral Session at “Orchid” (Chair Junsei Horikawa)
○14:10-14:25 Yoshimasa Seki: Entrainment to metronomic sounds in vocal learning birds; Studies using key pecking operant tasks
○14:25-14:40 Hiromi Mukai: Male jewel bugs localize female calling vibrations: directional vibration sensing by chordotonal organs
14:40-15:00 Taking Group Pictures and Break
15:00-16:00 Symposium ”Recent advances in Bioacoustics” (Chair Takuma Takanashi)
○15:00-15:30 Azusa Kamikouchi: Organization of the auditory neural pathway in fruit flies
○15:30-16:00 Hidetoshi Iida: Mechanosensing in plants
16:00-19:00 Poster Session and Exhibitions at a lobby on the 2F
P1 Kohei Asahara*, Jozi Nakane, Takumaru Kanzaki, Shunji Sugimoto, Koich Katsurada, Tsuneo Nitta,Junsei Horikawa: EEG during Japanese syllable recall and speech tasks
P2 Takumaru Kanzaki*, Shunji Sugimoto, Koich Katsurada, Junsei Horikawa, Tsuneo Nitta: Japanese monosyllable recognition from EEG
P3 Kenta Sugiyama*, Syunji Sugimoto, Junsei Horikawa: Brain activities related to yes-no decision making for tag questions
P4 Ukyo Matsubara*, Shunji Sugimoto, Yoshiteru Ishida, Junsei Horikawa: EEG activities evoked by joke stories
P5 Takumu Endo*, Masanobu Miyashita: A computational study of neural dynamics in the auditory cortex for the generation of auditory continuity illusion
P6 Shinpei Ishikawa*, Masanobu Miyashita, Junsei Horikawa, Shigeru Tanaka: Lateral connections in the visual cortex are important in the formation of orientation representation and information preservation
P7 Minoru Tsuzaki*, Katuhiro Maki: A new pitch extraction model: Coincidence detectors with an array of self-oscillatory units
P8 Aya Matsunaga*, Shunji Sugimoto, Minoru Tsuzaki, Junsei Horikawa: Age dependency of phase synchronization of auditory nerve of guinea pigs and rats
P9 Sinyoung Lee*, Takuji Koike: Finite-element model of human active cochlea: Short-time variation of DP
components on the BM
P10 Tatsuhiko Harada*, Junko Yamada, Yusuke Ogawa: Effects of contralateral noise on latency-frequency map of otoacoustic emissions
P11 Atsushi Shibata*, Satoshi Ohta, Shunji Sugimoto, Hisayuki Ojima, Junsei Horikawa: Analysis of temporal-information processing of sounds in the primary auditory cortex
P12 Satoshi Ohta*, Nodoka Wakabayashi, Syunji Sugimoto, Junsei Horikawa: Distribution of neurons’ spectrotemporal receptive fields along the depth axis in the primary auditory cortex
P13 Koki Hayashi*, Hisayuki Ojima, Junsei Horikawa: Changes in the temporal pattern of AI activities of guinea pigs trained to identify the interval of the repetitive nature sound
P14 Yasuharu Hirano*, Daichi Kominami, Ikkyu Aihara, Masayuki Murata: Real Time Localization Method for Calling Frogs using a Wireless Sensor Network
P15 Sheue-Er Wang*, Ching-Lung Lin, Chun-Jen Hsiao, Chung-Hsin Wu: Taiwan field vole pups use ultrasonic bioacoustics to escape predators
P16 Chi Wang *, Masataka Nishimura, Wen-Jie Song: Guinea pigs can learn to change behavioral response latency to report their sensation difference to three different sounds
P17 Ryoichi Iwase*: Sperm whale vocalizations obtained through 23 year observation on deep seafloor off Hatsushima Island in Sagami Bay
P18 Ching-Lung Lin*, Sheue-Er Wang, Chih-Hsiang Hsu, Tian-Yu Lin, Chun-Jen Hsiao, Chung-Hsin Wu: Pesticides induces bioacoustics dysfunction in echolocation bats
P19 Ru Zhang*, Liujun Zhang, Shuxin Zhang, Luhui Yang, Cindy Grimm, Ikuo Matsuo, Rolf M üller: Quantitative description of non-rigid noseleaf motions in old world leaf-nosed bats
P20 Yuta Yoshimura*, Yuncong Ma, Takuji Koike: Measurement and evaluation of vibration characteristics of mushroom logs aimed at insect pest control
19:00-21:00 Banquet at “Le Paradis” on the 1F
21:00-22:00 Poster Session and Exhibitions at a lobby on the 2F
Sunday, 11 December 2016
8:30-10:40 Poster Session at a lobby on the 2F
10:40- 11:00 Break
11:00- 12:00 Symposium ”Recent advances in Bioacoustics” (Chair Jim Simmons)
○11:00-11:30 Hiroshi Riquimaroux: How echolocating bats can extract information from weak and noisy returning echoes
○11:30-12:00 Rolf M üller: Peripheral dynamics and sensory information encoding in horseshoe bats
12:00-13:00 Lunch Break, removing the poster panels.
13:00-14:00 General Assembly in “Orchid”.
14:00-14:20 Award Ceremony in “Orchid”.
14:20-15:20 Symposium ”Recent advances in Bioacoustics” (Chair Yoshimasa Seki and Rolf M üller)
○14:20-14:50 Chihiro Mori: Audition-independent vocal development in songbird
○14:50-15:20 Chung-Hsin Wu: Environmental manganism damages auditory systems in mice
15:20-15:50 General Discussion (Chair Darlene Ketten)
15:50-16:00 Closing Remarks (Hiroshi Riquimaroux)
Poster Session

Invited speakers and their planned titles of lecture of the 3rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Bioacoustics are fixed

10/14, 2016 in 未分類 by bacoustadmin

Invited speakers and their planned titles of lecture of the 3rd Annual Meeting are listed below.

*Prof. Jim Simmons
Dept. of Neuroscience, Brown University, USA
Title: Isolating target shape imaging from target ranging in biosonar

*Dr. Darlene Ketten
Harvard Medical School, Department of Otology & Laryngology, Boston, Mass., USA
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Biology Department, Woods Hole, Mass., USA
Title: Of Mice and Men, Bats and Rats: A Complex Answer to Why Size Does Not Matter

*Prof. Rolf Mueller
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Virginia Tech, USA
Taishan Professor, Shandong University – Virginia Tech International Laboratory, School of Physics, Shandong University, China
Title: Peripheral dynamics and sensory information encoding in horseshoe bats

*Dr. Chung-Hsin Wu
Professor, Department of Life Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan
Title: Environmental manganism damages auditory systems in mice

*Prof. Hiroshi Riquimaroux
Distinguished Professor, Shandong University-Virginia Tech International Laboratory, Shandong University, China
Visiting Professor, Department of Neuroscience, Brown University, USA
Visiting Researcher, National Institute of Sensory Organs, National Hospital Organization Tokyo Medical Center, Japan
Title: How echolocating bats can extract information from weak and noisy returning echoes

*Prof. Hidetoshi Iida
Department of Biology, Tokyo Gakugei University
Title: Mechanosensing in plants

*Ms. Chihiro Mori
1. Graduate School of Life Science, Hokkaido University
2. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo
Title: Audition-independent vocal development in songbird

* Prof. Azusa Kamikouchi
Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University, Japan
Title: Organization of the auditory neural pathway of the fruit fly