Introduction to the Society for Bioacoustics
The Society for Bioacoustics was launched in May 2014 as an international academic society for researchers who are working on sound related to animals, e.g., animal hearings, the effects of sounds on animals, and associated behaviors.
The purpose of this society is to contribute to academia through the advancement and dissemination of research. We also aim to contribute to human welfare and social activity through wide application of knowledge obtained from highly diverse abilities of different animals.
We will hold regular research meetings for research presentations, the exchange of information, and communication between members. The Society will also publish an official English-language journal that includes technical articles.
How good it is to be a member of the Society for Bioacoustics (SFBA)
The bioacoustics is a newly developing hot research field, where animal studies (including human studies) related to acoustics are conducted. However, we cannot find a well-prepared scientific organization, which deals with the bioacoustics in Asia. We provide a great opportunity for young researchers to meet well-known senior researchers and to get good suggestions. So, you will be educated by excellent researchers in the SFBA. Isn’t this wonderful? After getting acquaintance with these researchers you may have a chance work together later. You may also exchange useful information with other junior researchers in the meeting. To present a paper in the meeting, you have to be a member of the SFBA. The annual membership fee for students is greatly discounted (1,000JPY for undergraduate, 3,000JPY for graduate students, 7,000JPY for postdocs and general members). The language used in the SFBA is English. We will soon publish a peer-reviewed journal in English. You are very welcome to join the SFBA.
Contact Address
Secretariat of The Society for Bioacoustics
Association for Supporting Academic Societies
5-3-13 Otuka, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-0012, Japan
Phone. +81-3-5981-6011/Fax. +81-3-5981-6012