- 選奨の種類
- 生物音響学会最優秀賞 1 名
- 生物音響学会優秀賞 1-2 名
- 賞応募資格
- 在学中または学位取得後 3 年以内
- 応募方法
- 選奨応募を希望する方は、「発表申込書」の「賞選考:応募する( )」にチェックを入れてください。
- 選考対象
- 口頭発表とポスター発表を一括して対象とする。
- 選考方法
- 選奨委員は、理事、国籍を問わずに審査員の適任者を人選し、学会開始前に依頼する。
- 審査員は、発表に対して四つの項目について 5 段階で評価し、総合点数により賞を決定する。
- 1 名の審査員が評価する対象者は最大 10 名程度とし、1 応募者に対する審査員の人数は 3 名とする。
- 応募者が多い場合は審査員の人数を増やす。
Most Outstanding Presentation Award(生物音響学会最優秀賞)
Lucas Y. Kimura “Comparison of coral reef soundscape characteristics between coral-dominated and non-coral dominated habitats”
Most Outstanding Presentation Award(生物音響学会最優秀賞)
Rafael Ayala Lara “Assessing noise-induced stress in larval zebrafish: behavioral affection and sensory loss”
Most Outstanding Presentation Award(生物音響学会最優秀賞)
Valeria Fattoruso “Vibrational communication of the greenhouse whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae)”
Outstanding Presentation Award(生物音響学会優秀賞)
Keigo Kobayashi “Development of Japanese bat species identification system by echolocation calls using deep learning and evaluation of increasing images by GAN”
Shoyo Nakamura “Does the trapdoor spider Latouchia typica use vibration as the cue of predatory behavior?”
Most Outstanding Presentation Award(生物音響学会最優秀賞)
Mika Kuroda “Sound production and frequency-determining mechanism in the head of toothed whales”
Outstanding Presentation Award(生物音響学会優秀賞)
Bo Zhou “Multilevel innnervations to the auditory pathway by GABAergic neurons in the mouse basal ganglia”
Most Outstanding Presentation Award(生物音響学会最優秀賞)
Yui K Matsumoto “The relationship between ultrasonic songs and testis weight in male mice”
Outstanding Presentation Award(生物音響学会優秀賞)
Sinyoung Lee “Simulation of electrical changes in the inner hair cells derived from the basilar membrane vibration”
Most Outstanding Presentation Award(生物音響学会最優秀賞)
Hiromi Mukai “Male jewel bugs localize female calling vibrations: directional vibration sensing by chordotonal organs”
Outstanding Presentation Award(生物音響学会優秀賞)
Sinyoung Lee “Finite-element model of human active cochlea: Short-time variation of DP components on the BM”
Most Outstanding Presentation Award(生物音響学会最優秀賞)
Nao Ota (Hokkaido University), “Does tap dance contribute to producing louder sounds?: The relationship between dance performance and sound amplitude in the courtship display of a socially monogamous songbird”
Outstanding Presentation Award
Cheng-Han Chou (Endemic Species Research Institute), “Echolocation variations of insectivorous bats in Taiwan”
Most Outstanding Presentation Award(生物音響学会最優秀賞)
Daiki Goto “Modification in pulse characteristics in flying Japanese horseshoe bats during acoustically interfered conditions produced by multiple conspecifics”
Outstanding Presentation Award(生物音響学会優秀賞)
Shota Murai (Doshisha University), “Cortical substrates for the perception of the noise-vocoded speech sounds: Evaluation with listening test and fMRI”
Tomoyo Isoguchi Shiramatsu “Oscillation in rat auditory cortex representing texture of chord”